Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Expiratory Flow Rates in City Traffic Policemen Of Nanded City

S. S. Karadkhedkar, S. T. Khan

Abstract :

 BACKGROUND : Early recognition of altered lung functions will have preventive significance in the workers who are constantly exposed to air borne pollution. City traffic policemen are constantly exposed to air–borne pollution they are at higher risk for developing impaired respiratory functions. AIM : The aim of this study was to compare the expiratory flow rates in city traffic policemen and control (all males). The effect of smoking was also taken into account. Our hypothesis was that air pollution affects the expiratory flow rates. METHODS : A case–control study was conducted compå city traffic policemen aged 28 to 45 years with controls of same sex, height and weight. The study was conducted over a period of one year. The work and occupational exposure history was obtained by administered questionnaire and data was collected. PEFR, FEF 25% TO 75% FEF 50% and FEF 0.2– 1.2 were recorded by using computerized “MEDSPIROR” spirometer. RESULTS : Sixty city traffic policemen (average age – 34.88 yrs.) and 60 controls (average age 33.28) completed the questionnaire. All control subjects selected were nonsmokers, whereas 18 of city traffic policemen were smokers and 42 were nonsmokers. CONCLUSIONS : Our study suggests that air pollution on road affects expiratory flow rates in non–smoker city traffic policemen suggesting small air way obstruction. Smoking further adds burden .

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S.S. Karadkhedkar, S.T. Khan Expiratory Flow Rates in City Traffic Policemen Of Nanded City Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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