Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

Experimental infection of Poecilia reticulate with Pasteurella multocida type B2

Mohd Firdaus Azman, S. Jasni, Imad I. Al Sultan, Erkihun Aklilu Woldegiogis

Abstract :

 Haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS) is a highly fatal disease in cattle and buffaloes caused by specific serotypes of Pasteurella multocida and have emerged as a disease of considerable economic importance particularly in Malaysia. Experimental study was designed and conducted to look on the possibility of P. multocida B2 to establish clinical infection in Poecillia reticulate which may become an important source of infection in HS outeak. Twenty P. reticulate (common guppy) was divided into four equal groups namely A, B, C, D, consisting of five fish each. Thirty ml of 108 colony forming unit (cfu) of P. multocida B2 was added in the aquarium of fish in group B. Dead mouse previously infected with 1ml 108 cfu P. multocida was placed in fish in group C, while fish in groups A and D act as control respectively. Bacteriology from water samples, gills and peritoneum and PCR from fish organ samples were negative for P. multocida. Therefore, an attempt of experimental infection of P. multocida in P. reticulate did not produce clinical infection. This study postulates that P. reticulate is not a susceptible host for the bacteria.

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Mohd Firdaus Azman, S. Jasni, Imad I. Al–Sultan, Erkihun Aklilu Woldegiogis, Experimental infection of Poecilia reticulate with Pasteurella multocida type B2, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾8 | August‾2017

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