Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Experimental Evaluation of Online Learning Algorithms

Ana Maria Ramona Stancu, Dominic Patricio Perez Danielescu

Abstract :

In this article I will start in the first part of the debate over the basic methods for performance evaluation of algorithms, i.e. starting with the evaluation criteria presentation online, after which I will describe the criteria that can be used for evaluation of online algorithms, after which I will describe the measurement errors. I mean, I will discuss the metrics used in Machine Learning, the average relative error, the relative root mean square of the error. In Part 3 I will discuss the methods used in the evaluation, after which I will discuss evaluation algorithms according to Friedmans test and Nemenyi

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Ana-Maria Ramona Stancu, Dominic Patricio Perez-Danielescu Experimental Evaluation of Online Learning Algorithms Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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