Volume : I, Issue : IX, June - 2012

Experimental and FEA Evaluation of Hybrid Joint Strength of Single Lap joint.

S. S. Kadam, P. A. Dixit

Abstract :

Hyid joint deals with joining of two dissimilar metals or dissimilar joints like Bolted–Bonded, Riveted–bonded, Welded–riveted etc. Metal joint plays an important role in load transfer through the assemblies which gives importance in metal joints. Current paper deals with the experimental and analytical analysis of rivet joint, adhesive joints &Rivet–Adhesive. Joints (Hyid Joint).

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S. S. Kadam, P. A. Dixit Experimental and FEA Evaluation of Hybrid Joint Strength of Single Lap joint. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.IX June 2012

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