Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015


M. Chidambara Vadivu, Dr. M. Lakshmi Bala, Dr. N. Sumathi

Abstract :

 In today’s changing global environment many organizations have voiced the need for new graduates of engineering programmes to have a stronger soft– skills emphasis. For example, employers need new graduates to be good communicators and to work in multidisciplinary teams of diverse cultural backgrounds and differing personality styles. Therefore, learning institutions that are able to align with industry demands to produce graduating engineers with the right kind of skills will reap substantial benefits. But unfortunately, essential non – technical skills are still lacking among engineering graduates because most engineering schools provide students with little practical experience and few application competencies. Therefore, there is a need to equip students with the skills that employers currently desire. This study aims to identify the skill gap of the engineering graduates emphasizing the importance of the required skills perceived as significant by the employers in corporate organizations recruiting engineering graduates.

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M. CHIDAMBARA VADIVU, Dr.M.LAKSHMI BALA, Dr.N.Sumathi Expectation Vs Performance � A Skill Gap Analysis Among Engineering Graduates Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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