Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

Excellence in Higher Education: Link with College Principals’ Leadership Styles.

Arpit Shankhdhar

Abstract :

<p> Excellence in higher education impies high quality of teaching – learning and research, leading to capacity development of students which presently, is highly disappointing inspite of many policies and administrative reforms introduced. The paper discusses and emphasizes that for the quality assurance in higher education of all the four Ms (men, money, machines and materials) men, the human factor effective functioning of college principals, teachers and other employees is the most important one. College principals act as leader, managers ensuring development and effective funtioning of teachers and other employees. His success, however, depends on the way he interacts (i:e his style) with teachers and other employees. His style of leadership plays a decissive role in mobilizing and motivating to achieve excellence. The paper discusses various theories of leadership and related styles as factors of quality control in higher education. The discussion ends with the conclusion that no conclusive evidence is possible inspite of valuminious researches in the field as to which college principals leadership style is more effective enhancing quality of higher education. An urgent need to do more research in this direction seems imperative.</p>

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ARPIT SHANKHDHAR Excellence in Higher Education: Link with College Principals¥ Leadership Styles.₝ Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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