Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Evaluation of The Performance of Onion cv. NHRDF Red 2 in Response to Inorganic, Organic and Bio–Fertilizers

Abhishek Singh, R B Ram

Abstract :

An experiment was conducted to optimise the correct combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers for onion production cv. NHRDF Red 2during the rabiseason of 2013–14. It was revealed from the data that application of 50% recommended dose of NPK along with 50% recommended dose of the vermicompost results in maximum vegetative growth (Plant height, Number of leaves, Neck thickness) and bulb growth (Bulb weight, Bulb length, Bulb diameter and bulb size), which is at par with 50 % recommended dose of NPK + 50% FYM and recommended dose of NPK. Similarly, maximum yield per hectare were found in (50% recommended NPK + 50% vermicompost) while minimum yield was observed in control. Maximum quality bulbs; TSS, Reducing Sugar, Non reducing Sugar and Total Sugars and minimum Pyruvic acid were also found in 100% vermicompost followed by 100% FYM. Therefore, it is concluded that judicial application of organic fertilizer (vermicompost) along with chemical fertilizer will produce higher yield along with quality bulbs at low cost of production

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Abhishek Singh,R B Ram Evaluation of The Performance of Onioncv. Nhrdf Red 2 in Response to Inorganic, Organic and Bio-Fertilizers Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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