Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2015

Evaluation of the effect of post– menopause on dental health

Dr. Grishma Noronha, Prof Dr . Mithra N Hegde

Abstract :

Objectives: This study is done to investigate the effect of menopause on saliva and dental health. Oral hygiene status was determined in regularly menstruating and post–menopausal women. Materials and methods: The study was carried out on 50 healthy women patients who attended the out patient section of the Department of conservative dentistry and endodontics. Oral Hygiene Index (OHI) and Decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) Index and periodontal status were determined clinically. Results: The study demonstrated that OHI and DMFT was higher in post–menopausal women when compared to the control group. A significant decrease in periodontal health was also observed in post menopausal women. Conclusion: There is a marked detoriation of periodontal health and also decrease in oral hygiene status in post menopausal women compared to healthy menstruating women .

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Dr. Grishma Noronha, Prof (Dr). Mithra N Hegde Evaluation of the effect of post- menopause on dental health Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 12 December 2015

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