Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

Evaluation of Retroperitoneal Tumors by Computed Tomography.

Dr. Santosh R Konde, Dr. Hariqbal Singh

Abstract :

“Many a clinical reputation lies buried behind the peritoneum. In this hinterland of straggling mesenchyme with its shadowy fascial boundaries, the clinician is often left with only his fair and his diagnostic first principles to guide him.” However, Computerized Tomography plays an important role in the diagnosis of retroperitoneal masses. CT examination is thus very much helpful to the surgeon, the urologist and the gynecologist to have a clear concise study of these interesting groups of masses.

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Dr. Santosh R Konde, Dr. Hariqbal Singh Evaluation of Retroperitoneal Tumors by Computed Tomography. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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