Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2016

Evaluation of Ocular Trauma at a Rural Tertiary Centre

Dr. Shubha Ghonsikar, Dr. Mukram Khan

Abstract :

Ocular Trauma has been found to be an important cause of Ocular morbidity. Ocular injuries result in unusual socioeconomic loss as hospitalisation and emergency treatment is required. Purpose – To study the clinical profile and Visual outcome of Ocular trauma cases presented to a rural tertiary Government hospital. A retrospective review of patients of Ocular trauma presented to the opd and casualty in a year from June 2011–June 2012.We analysed the common age of patients prone for trauma,the type of trauma,the cause of trauma, the treatment rendered and the visual outcome.11 –30 yrs aged Males were more prone for trauma.Road traffic accidents and injury while playing remained common reasons of trauma. 59 (83.09 %) patients required hospitalization. 67 (94.36%) patients showed significant improvement in Vision. Conclusion–Younger age patients need to take protective precautions against various injuries.Early consulting. to the Ophthalmologist and early referral important.Prompt and proper comprehensive treatment must to save vision.

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Dr.Shubha Ghonsikar, Dr. Mukram Khan Evaluation of Ocular Trauma at a Rural Tertiary Centre Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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