Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Evaluation of Leaf Litter Compost and Vermicompost on Yield and Nutrient Uptake of Trigonella

Dr. Pratap V. Naikwade,

Abstract :

A field experiment was carried out in the Research farm located at Shibla, Dist. Yavatmal to evaluate the effects of compost prepared from leaf litter by aerobic (NADEP tank) and anaerobic (Bangalore pit) method and vermicompost on the yield and nutrient uptake of fenugreek. These treatments were compared with fertilizer alone (NPK) and absolute control (CON) with four replicates each. Chemical analysis was carried out in Trigonella as crude protein, reducing sugar, dry matter, N, P, K, Ca percentage. Total yield of fenugreek, percent increase over CON was also calculated. The average yield (kg/ha) of fresh vegetation of Trigonella was highest in VC followed by AC, BC NPK and lowest in CON.

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Dr. Pratap V. Naikwade, Evaluation of Leaf Litter Compost and Vermicompost on Yield and Nutrient Uptake of Trigonella Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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