Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

Evaluation of HPT Markers in ? Thalassemia Major Patients

Mrs Anupama Patne, Dr Pj Hisalkar, Dr S B Gaikwad, Dr Aarti Karnik

Abstract :

Patients with beta-thalassaemia major are prone to metabolic complications, including endocrine dysfunction which can occur as single or multiple endocrine glands involvement. Treatment with transfusion programs and chelating therapy has considerably prolonged survival in thalassemic patients. However, as a result of hyper-transfusion therapy and increased longevity, iron tissue toxicity has become more common, and contributes significantly to morbidity in these patients. Hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia in these patients seem to be related to hypoparathyroidism (HPT) which is a well-known syndrome associated with thalassemia major. The cause of HPT is assumed to be due to iron deposition in parathyroid glands. This study was conducted to determine the serum calcium and phosphorus in 50 beta thalassemic patients. We recommend the periodic use of such measurements in all TM, and suggest that these tools may be applicable to other cases of suspected HPT

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Mrs Anupama Patne, Dr PJ Hisalkar, Dr S B Gaikwad, Dr Aarti Karnik Evaluation of HPT Markers in ? Thalassemia Major Patients Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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