Volume : VIII, Issue : I, January - 2018


Dr. Kalpana Rajiv Kumar, Dr. Priyanka D. Khavate, Dr. Jubina Puthen Purayil, Dr. Padma Ramesh

Abstract :


Heå impairment is the most frequent sensory deficit in human populations, affecting more than 250 million people in the world. WHO estimated that between 65 and 330 million individuals suffer from chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM), in which, 60% experience heå impairment [1]. We have conducted a prospective study on 100 patients with tympanic memane perforations who attended our ENT opd at Mahatma Gandhi mission medical college and hospital, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai during the period from November 2012 to May 2014. The study group consisted of randomly selected patients of both sex falling in the age group between 10–50 years, with dry perforation of tympanic memane unilateral or bilateral with no active middle ear disease. Each perforation was studied for parameters of size, site and relation to handle of malleus. Heå loss in each perforation was determined by pure tone audiometry (PTA). The heå loss was found to be frequency dependent with greatest loss occurring at lowest frequencies.

We found a linear relationship between size of perforation and conductive heå loss. Involvement of umbo at the perforation margin worsens the heå. Site of perforation is also an important factor as posterior pars tensa perforation has greater heå loss than anterior quadrant perforation.

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Dr. Kalpana Rajiv Kumar, Dr. Priyanka D. Khavate, Dr. Jubina Puthen Purayil, Dr. Padma Ramesh, EVALUATION OF HEARING LOSS IN RELATION TO TYMPANIC MEMBRANE PERFORATIONS, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-1 | January-2018

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