Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2013

Evaluating the Relationship Between Bolt Grade and Breaking Point

Jaykar Patil, V. S. Jadhav

Abstract :

The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of bolt grade on eaking point. The basic assumption was that if one can used a higher grade bolt, then the torque at the bolts eaking point would significantly increase. There are no controllable factors in this experiment because there is not a standard bolt. The constants in this experiment were mechanic, tools, and hardware installed on each bolt. The independent variable in this experiment was bolt grade. The dependent variable in this experiment was torque at eaking point. The results show that the assumption is that if you use a higher grade bolt, then the torque at its eaking point will significantly increase was not supported.

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Jaykar Patil,V. S. Jadhav Evaluating the Relationship Between Bolt Grade and Breaking Point Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2013

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