Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Evaluate the Railway Platforms Service Quality of the Southern Railways

S. Gamdhimathi, Dr. S. Saravanan

Abstract :

Service quality is a term which describes a comparison of expectations with performance. A business with high service quality will meet customer needs while remaining economically competitive. This aim may be achieved by understanding and improving operational processes identifying problems quickly and systematically; establishing valid and reliable service performance measures and measuring customer satisfaction and other performance outcomes. Service quality is a business administration term used to describe achievement in service. It reflects at each service encounter. Customers form service expectations from past experiences, word of mouth and advertisement. in general customers compare perceived service with expected service in which if the former falls short of the latter the customers are disappointed. The measuring services quality of platforms.

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S. GAMDHIMATHI, Dr. S. Saravanan Evaluate the Railway Platforms Service Quality of the Southern Railways Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IV April 2013

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