Volume : VIII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Etiology of blood culture from septicemia cases and their antibiogram at a tertiary care hospital of Manipur.

Dr. Ksh. Mamta Devi, Dr. S. Damrolien, Dr. Kh. Sulochana Devi

Abstract :

 This study was conducted in the Department of Microbiology, RIMS, Hospital from suspected septicaemic outpatients

and inpatients departments during the period from 1st Nov.2013 – 31st Oct. 2015. A total of 644 blood culture samples were
processed, of which 80(12.4%) were culture positive. Among the culture positive 72(90%) were isolated from inpatients and only 8 isolates
(10%) were from out–patients. The most predominant isolates is S.aureus 33 (41.25%) followed by E.coli 18 (22.5%), CoNS 9 (11.25%),
Enterococcus species 7(8.75%), Salmonella Species 5(6.25%), Klebsiella species 3(3.75%), Candida species 3(3.75%), Pseudomonas species
2(2.5%). Imipenem was the most effective antimicrobial against gram negative bacilli whereas Vancomycin was the most effective antimicrobial
against gram positive cocci.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr. Ksh.Mamta Devi, Dr. S.Damrolien, Dr. Kh.Sulochana Devi, Etiology of blood culture from septicemia cases and their antibiogram at a tertiary care hospital of Manipur., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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