Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

Etiological factors and Prevalence of Dental Caries in Preschool Children of Zahran Aljanoub region kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Mahasin Abdullah Bakhit, Dr. Iglal Bashir Nasir, Dr. Abd Elhamed Hassan , Dr. Awad Alkarim Ahmed Dafalla

Abstract :

The aim of this study is to explore the etiological and prevalence factors of dental caries in preschool children of Zahran Aljaunob sector. It is a descriptive, cross sectional study based on randomly selected 357 of preschool children. The status of dental caries recorded according to the (WHO) criteria. The prevalence of early ECC was 58.8%, while the mean dmft was 3.8. There was slight increase in caries prevalence in male than female and shown to be less in children below two years and high in those older than two years. The most affected teeth were the mandibular second molars, caries prevalence was (35.1%) followed by mandibular first molars (31.5%) and then maxillary central incisor, whereas the maxillary canines were the least teeth affected by –caries( 5.7%). The manner of feeding and ushing habits represent the most factors of ECC in Zahran Aljaunob, with most of the children having untreated carious teeth.

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Dr. Iglal Bashir Nasir, Dr. Abd Elhamed Hassan , Dr. Awad Alkarim Ahmed Dafalla Etiological Factors and Prevalence of Dental Caries In Preschool Children of Zahran Aljanoub Region Kingdom of Saudi Arabia . Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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