Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Ethnobotanical study of Marh Block of Jammu District

Ms Shivani Sharma, Mr. Naseeb Kumar Bhagat

Abstract :

 Trees are precious gift of nature and are regarded as “Green lungs of earth”. They are the vital natural assets to rural people and provide a wide range of useful products which when incorporated into the livelihood strategies of rural people, help to reduce their vulnerability to external shocks and risks (Kaimowitz, 2003). Simultaneously tree contributes to range of ecosystem services such as ecological and agricultural productivity, biodiversity conservation, water regulation and land rehabilitation. We totally depend upon plants for our daily needs such as food, fodder for animals, raw material for industries etc. Peepal, banyan and Tulsi are some of plants that hold special cultural and religious significance in India. common trees like Emblica officinalis, Mangifera indica ,Cordia dichhotoma, Moras alba zizyphus muritiana, etc have been used as food. Species  like Melia azadirech, Albizia lebbek , Morus alba has been widely used as fodder. The present paper is all about the trees outside the forest of block Marh. Ethno–botanical study was conducted to know about the importance of plants in the daily life of locals.

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Ms Shivani sharma, Mr. Naseeb Kumar Bhagat, Ethnobotanical study of Marh Block of Jammu District, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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