Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2013

Ethics : An Essential Parameter for Excellence in Teaching

Hardeep Singh, Bikram Pal Singh

Abstract :

No doubt times have changed. With this change some things in teaching profession have also changed. But teachers are still held to a higher standard of ethical behavior than nearly any other profession. Teaching proession is considered a noble and respectful profession in our country. The future and development of the nation depends on the teacher; what and how he/she teaches to the students who are going to be the nation builders. Ethics is a collection of moral standards by which each person is guided in his professional or private life. In this paper we have discussed the ethics that – an effective teaching should have; a teacher should have. The methodology used in this study is based on secondary data – journals, case studies, books, magazines, research papers etc. Some primary data has also been discussed that has been obtained from some teachers of engineering colleges of Amritsar (Punjab) with personal interaction. In this paper we have concluded that ethics is an essential parameter for teaching excellence.

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Hardeep Singh, Bikram Pal Singh Ethics : An Essential Parameter for Excellence in Teaching Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2013

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