Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Estimation of Food Securityin Iran Based on The Main Food Groups

Gholamreza Yavari, S. Asieh Hosseini, M. Mehdi Fazelbeygi

Abstract :

Food security is an important aspect of constant development in human societies. In order to estimate food security in Iran, we require an index that is based on the first principle of food security and can estimate food security of the most main food groups by applying effective factors. The present study analyses the food security of five basic food groups during 1990–2009, using the food security index. The result of this estimation that is based on the differences of food products indicates lack of food security in red meat, relatively adequate food security in rice and eggs, and high food security in vegetables and wheat. An estimation of other indexes showed an imbalance in food consumption, Unstable self–sufficiency of wheat, but it also showed there was lack self–sufficiency in the other two groups during this period. The increase in protein productions such as red meat accompanied by insurance development for this product, and providing inexpensive production inputs, the growth of nutrition education and knowledge, the decrease of volatility in the production of some food products by employing qualified technology and management of the drought and also by creating a balance between the import of the basic agricultural products and the internal production of these commodities mayresult in stabilizing of the food products consumption, and generating and raise food security in all groups and eventually sustainable the food security in the country.  

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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GHOLAMREZA YAVARI, S.ASIEH HOSSEINI, M. Mehdi Fazelbeygi Estimation of Food Securityin Iran Based on The Main Food Groups Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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