Volume : VIII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Estimating the magnitude of anxiety and depression in parents of children with mental retardation

Dr. Shashikant Khanna, Dr. Manish Borasi

Abstract :

Background: This study assessed anxiety and depression levels among parents of children with Mental Retardation. There is little data in developing countries, such as India, concerning the impact of raising children with mental retardation upon the quality of parent functioning and risk for psychopathology.

Objective: To estimate the magnitude of anxiety and depression in parents of children with mental retardation.

Methods: This was a prospective study conducted at a tertiary care neuropsychiatry hospital in Delhi. Participants were 60 parents  of 60 children with the diagnosis of MR. The parents were assess for anxiety and depression using ICD–10 criteria. Informed consent was obtained. The study was approved by the Institutional Research Committee.

Results: It was seen that 53.3% parents of MR children had depression as compared to control group (15%) based on HAM–D scores, out of which mainly mild depressive symptoms were more predominant (38.3%) and in control group 13.3% had mild depression, 13.3% had moderate depression in parents of cases as compared to control group (1.7%). Anxiety was seen in 43.3% parents of MR children as compared to control group (8.3%) based on HAM–A scores, out of which mainly mild anxiety symptoms were more predominant (35%). Statistically significant difference (p value < 0.001) between the HAM–A score of parents of cases and control.

Conclusion: The prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms was significantly more in parents of children with MR than normal controls.

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Dr.Shashikant khanna, Dr. Manish Borasi, Estimating the magnitude of anxiety and depression in parents of children with mental retardation, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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