Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017

Epidemiology of Cobra bite In Bhagalpur &surrounding area

Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Dr. Naresh

Abstract :

 Envenomation by poisonous snakes is considered as an occupational hazard. Coa bite is commonly encountered in the South Asian countries. The prospective research was conducted in the Department of medicine and pediatrics , Jawaharlal Nehru medical college , Bhagalpur  to study the epidemiology, manifestations and treatment of coa snakebite cases admitted to College Hospital, Bhagalpur during August 2015 and November 2016. Twenty cases of coa bite were reported during the study period. The victims of coa bite predominantly were females. Mean age of victims was 41.9 years. Maximum cases occurred during the summer and pre–monsoon months, during daytime and involved the upper limbs. Ptosis was the chief neurotoxic feature followed by dysarthria. Cellulitis as a complication was observed in most of the cases. Polyvalent Anti Snake Venom (ASV) vials were used as specific treatment. No mortality was reported during the study period. Keywords: Snakebite; Coa; Epidemiology; Bhagalpur , eastern India

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Dr.Rajiv kumar, Dr.Naresh , Epidemiology of Cobra bite In Bhagalpur &surrounding area, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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