Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2017

Environment Awareness, Knowledge and Practices can sustain it: A Teacher Perspective

Dr. Seema Singh

Abstract :

 In recent years, ‘environment’ has become a very important issue because of emergence of many environmental problems all over the world. Air and water pollution, global warming, greenhouse effects, ozone toxicology, population growth, environmental disasters, energy shortage, etc. are some significant examples of major environmental problems. Environmental problems have also become the most important social problems of the day and now it has been established that environmental problems are only beginning and in coming years their severity will increase manifolds. The significance and urgency of environmental problems have started giving serious thoughts to various issues and to tackle and arrest further deteriorating situation by all possible means. In India’s context, the problem of environmental degradation is quite grim that warrants quick action. Thus environmental education is pathway to sustainable development. The role of teacher is of great importance in the field of environmental issues.  In a country like ours where teacher has the freedom, a lot is expected in all issues including environment also. The teacher can act as an educator to the people and students on environmental issues, education system is a medium of great educative values and is influencing human life in various ways and this can create high degree of awareness among people The focus of study is to what extends the teachers with  Environment  Awareness, Knowledge and Practices  can sustain it.    .

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Dr. Seema Singh, Environment Awareness, Knowledge and Practices can sustain it: A Teacher Perspective, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 7 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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