Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015

Entrepreneurship in Women: The Role of Self–Help Groups

Dr. P. Maruthupandian, Dr. E. Mythily

Abstract :

A life of dignity is the right of every citizen. Poverty is an obstruction to a dignified life. Self employment is a significant step to have sustained incomes and remove the shackles of poverty. Self–help groups ing more economic development and independence to women and their families. SHG s not only Initiate savings, increase confidence and social status, but also help them to emerge as an entrepreneur. The objective was to study the participation of women entrepreneurs in SHGs, to study the role of self help group in making women as an entrepreneur, and to determine the factors affecting women participation in SHGs. Data were gathered from 212 SHG members. Average, Standard Deviation, Chi–square Test and Simple Correlation were administered to analyse the data. The study reveals that the participation of women is influenced by factors like Economic factors, social factors, cultural factors, leadership factors and psychological factors.

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Dr. P.MaruthuPandian,Dr. E.Mythily Entrepreneurship in Women: The Role of Self-Help Groups Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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