Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2016

ENT Emergency in tertiary care Institute: An Experience.

Shaila Sidam, Ajay Kumar Jain

Abstract :

 ENT emergencies are common in all hospitals, so their early diagnosis and management will result in reduction in morbidity and mortality. Method & result: This study was conducted on 677 patients in GRMC, Gwalior. Male to female ratio was 1.29:1. The commonest emergency was emergency tracheostomy in 200 patients (29.54%), followed by epistaxis in 190 patients(28.06%).Conclusion: The commonest ENT emergency which were dealt in operation theatre were emergency tracheostomy, foreign body removal, abscess drainage so the residents should be well versed with these procedures.

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Shaila Sidam, Ajay Kumar Jain ENT Emergency in tertiary care Institute: An Experience. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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