Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2017

Enhancing the capacity of the women led Agricultural Innovation System through its Diagnosis

Rema Das, Kausik Pradhan

Abstract :

 Rural Indian women are extensively involved in agricultural activities. The Agricultural Innovation System framework considers women to be critical actors in an innovation system. In the study area women are engaged in production related activities and are making greater contribution in the process of generating, diffusing and applying of new knowledge in agricultural sector. So to make women led agricultural innovation system more effective, knowledge viant and market oriented there is a need to build capacity of each and every actor associated with the innovation system. Therefore now it is very pertinent to identify all the stakeholders, their role and activities involved in the system. Hence, the study aims to identify the existing agricultural innovation system dealt by women and to explore the stakeholders’ role, activity and the enabling environment including the developmental programs and policies which supports women led agricultural innovation system of the study area. A Rank Based Quotient Analysis (RBQ) was also carried out to prioritize the areas of intervention made by each actor to the innovation system.

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Rema Das, Kausik Pradhan, Enhancing the capacity of the women led Agricultural Innovation System through its Diagnosis, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 7 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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