Volume : VI, Issue : IX, September - 2016

Enhancing Facial Esthetics with Cheek Plumper Denture � two case report

Dr. Aman Sachdeva, Dr. Sugandha Gupta, Dr. Aakanksha Bhardwaj

Abstract :

 Purpose: Faication of two different types of check plumper prosthesis in patients with poor facial esthetics associated with edentulism and sunken cheeks. Based on patient’s needs, a hollow complete denture with plumper extensions was made and a detachable custom made attachment retained plumper prosthesis was faicated. Discussion : Complete Denture with cheek plumper is a special prosthesis faicated to enhance the support of sunken cheeks in geriatric patients thus providing better esthetics along with function. There are various types of cheek plumpers that can be faicated, which include attachment retained, and single piece hollow cheek plumper. As magnetic attachments based cheek plumper prosthesis are associated with various disadvantages such as corrosion, reduced retention with time and high cost involved. Therefore to overcome these drawbacks a hollow cheek plumper and a customized attachment retained plumper prosthesis were made.

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DR. AMAN SACHDEVA, DR. SUGANDHA GUPTA, Dr.Aakanksha Bhardwaj Enhancing Facial Esthetics with Cheek Plumper Denture � two case report Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 9 | September 2016

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