Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2017

Energy Conservation Technology in Industries

Vivek Sangwan

Abstract :

 Electricity is one of the main sources of energy for the development of any industry. Industries play very important role for economic development of any country. From previous word we can say development of any country depend on growth of Industries which totally depend on electricity energy So, future economic growth crucially depends on the long term availability of energy from source.


Electrical energy is universally accepted as part of human beings growth and to meet them it is necessary to assumes critical importance of energy. Electricity generation from any source of energy, (wind, solar, thermal, waste etc.), needs huge investments to meet them. For reducing cost and increase efficiency, it is need to focus on energy conservation and adoption of different technologies to achieve this.


To achieve this objective need to apply effective energy management within organization and this can be done by maintain optimum energy utilization to minimize energy cost without affecting production and quality.

Energy audit is necessary may be by third party or by member of organization because this is systematic approach for decision making and to minimize environmental effects.


Scope: Scope of the paper is about adoption of energy conservation technologies in industries, Residential consumers, Utilities, Agriculture and Power system etc.


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Vivek Sangwan, Energy Conservation Technology in Industries, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾4 | April-2017

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