Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Endodontic management of maxillary 2nd Molar with additional MB2 canal – 2 case reports.

Dr. Sonal S. Dodhiya, Dr. Radhika Jain, Dr. Ganesh T. Bhat, Dr. Aditya Shetty, Prof. Dr . Mithra. N. Hegde

Abstract :

The success of endodontic treatment depends on the dentist’s knowledge about root canal morphology and its possible anatomic variations. According to Ingle, occurrence of accessory canals in the mesiobuccal root of maxillary first molar is (61.1%), more than that of maxillary second molars(47.1%).17 Failure to locate these extra canals may result in endodontic failure. This article presents two case reports of maxillary second molar, in which an extra canal in the mesiobuccal root was located using visual, tactile and magnifying devices, followed by endodontic treatment of the same using single cone technique.

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Dr. Sonal S. Dodhiya, Dr. Radhika Jain, Dr. Ganesh T. Bhat, Dr. Aditya Shetty, Prof.(Dr). Mithra.N.Hegde Endodontic management of maxillary 2nd Molar with additional MB2 canal – 2 case reports. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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