Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Empyema due to salmonella typhi in a diabetic patient: a rare case report

Dr. Nale Swati S, Dr. Ghadage Dnyaneshwari P, Bhore Arvind V

Abstract :

We report a 30 years old diabetic male presented with left sided chest pain and eathlessness in which a diagnosis of pleural effusion was made. Chest X–ray showed left sided pleural effusion with subdiaphragmatic collection. S.typhi was isolated from subdiaphragmatic and pleural effusion taps cultures. After the treatment with antibiotic ceftriaxone for 15 days along with intercostal drainage, repeat X–ray was taken which showed loculated pleural effusion. Again diagnostic tap was done and sent for the culture. S.typhi was isolated again from that. So treatment with antibiotic was continued further for 15 days. After the course of four weeks treatment repeat x–ray was done which was normal and patient was discharged. Empyema due to salmonella is rare and often had underlying risk factors. Our case report emphasizes on rarity, risk factors for salmonella empyema and need for prolonged treatment for its eradication.

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Dr. Nale Swati S, Dr.Ghadage Dnyaneshwari P,Bhore Arvind V Empyema due to salmonella typhi in a diabetic patient: a rare case report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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