Volume : VI, Issue : XII, December - 2016

Employee engagement through effective performance Management–A Theoretical Perspective

M. Rajya Laxmi, Dr. M. Satya Vathi, Dr. M. Sudhir Reddy

Abstract :

 Performance management is not a fixed sequence of events but a continuous process that is constantly renewing itself as performance unfolds, especially as key events create opportunities to demonstrate expertise and contribute to organizational goals. In fact elements of performance management are not stand alone human resource programs. They are a part of an integrated system and actions that should be aligned with organizational objectives under the conditions of integration and alignment. The entire process has to move away from being event driven to strategic driven in perspective. This paper is all about how Employee Engagement can be increased through Effective performance management in today‘s organizations. This paper highlights about the drivers and predictors to the Employee Engagement.

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M.Rajya laxmi, Dr.M.Satya vathi, Dr. M. Sudhir Reddy, Employee engagement through effective performance Management–A Theoretical Perspective, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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