Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Emotional Intelligence among Children of Montessori and Traditional Method of Education

Dhiksha J, Shivakumara K

Abstract :

<p><p> Montessori Method is a holistic approach of education evolved with the objective of initiating overall development with its greater benefits for the socio–emotional development of children apart from intellectual development. The method has unique features which benefits the children to develop holistically. Hence, the present study aimed to assess the emotional intelligence of children of Montessori and traditional method of education. It was hypothesized that children of Montessori Methodof education have higher emotional intelligence than children of traditional method. In order to verify the above hypothesis a sample of 139 children were selected from schools which offer education with Montessori (N=73) and traditional methods (N=66). To measure emotional intelligencethe Ba–ron Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (EQ–i: YV, 2000)was administered individually to the subjects. The data were subjected to‘t’ analyses and the major findings of the study revealedthat the children of Montessori Method of educationhas significantly higher emotional intelligence than children of traditional method.</p></p>

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Dhiksha J, Shivakumara K Emotional Intelligence Among Children of Montessori and Traditional Method of Education Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 8 August 2015

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