Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015


A. M. A. Jenita, Dr. M. Lakshmi Bala, Dr. N. Sumathi

Abstract :

 Retail Sector is the most booming sector in the Indian economy. With the increasing demand of the customers spurred by changing trends, aspiring needs for variety, the traditional retail gave rise to modern retail format. The traditional food and grocery segment has seen the emergence of supermarkets/grocery chains, convenience stores and hypermarkets. A changing landscape in India has changed spending habits. In urban Indian, families are experiencing growth in income but dearth of time. More and more women are taking up corporate jobs, which is adding to family’s income and leading a better lifestyle. Rising income has led to a demand for convenience and services. The demand for frozen, instant, ready to cook and ready to eat food has been on rise, especially in metropolitan and large cities in India. There is also a strong trend in favour of one shop like supermarkets and departmental stores. The purpose of this study is to sort out the new shopping trends in the food retail market having an insight on the emerging prospects in food retail market. Therefore, the study analyze the shopping intentions of the consumers in food retail outlets.

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A.M.A. JENITA, Dr.M.LAKSHMI BALA, Dr.N.Sumathi Emerging Vistas of Food Retail Market in India: A Cognitive Approach Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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