Volume : I, Issue : VII, April - 2012

Emerging Trends In Indian Rural Market

Dr. N. Ramanjaneyalu

Abstract :

Rural markets have become integral part of global market. The negative impact of all the recent economic crisis on urban India has been more than offset by encouraging performance in rural areas. To explore and understand rural market is crucial for any marketers today. Rural market is like goldmine with lot of difficulties. This needs to formulate a well designed strategy to feel the pulse of the rural consumers and to tackle the mystic rural market. Many companies go to rural markets, still to make money, not to guide or help or develop rural consumers. The rural marketers must think rural for long–term success instead of short–term profit. In this context this paper highlights the emerging trends and challenges in Indian rural Market.

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Dr. N. Ramanjaneyalu Emerging Trends In Indian Rural Market Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII April 2012

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