Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Emerging Resistance to Carbapenems: A Potential Threat to The Management of Infectious Disease

Satish Chandel

Abstract :

Carbapenems are well known for their oadest spectrum of clinical activity and utmost potency among the different β–lactam antibiotics. Unfortunately, the recent emergence of multidrug–resistant pathogens seriously threatens this class of lifesaving drugs. Recently, alarm has been raised over the spread of drug resistance to carbapenem antibiotics among these coliforms, commonly due to production of various β–lactamase. Carbepenem resistant strains are increasingly being detected in every corner of the world. The spread carbapenem resistant strains seem to be a potential nightmare situation. This is a new threat for the humanity. Carbapenem resistance genes are moving across the globe. The carbepenem resistant bacteria appear suddenly and spread rapidly before the public health care systems and laboratories can detect it. Currently we have few options left among new antibiotics to combat against the carbapenem resistant bacterial strains, none of them are safe.

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Satish Chandel Emerging Resistance to Carbapenems: A Potential Threat to The Management of Infectious Disease Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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