Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Emergence of Shopping Malls and its Impact on The Hawkers' Market Economy: A Case Study of Kolkata City

Sumana Roy

Abstract :

Emergence of big capital intensive shopping malls is an important aspect of the current economic scenario of India. The retail sector of West Bengal is composed of both organized and unorganized segments. Now a debate has been raised that whether organized retailing has a positive impact on the economy or it will affect the livelihood of the small traders. In Kolkata the organized single and retailers entered after economic liberalization in 1994. In this city, there are a large number of malls which compete with the small traders, vendors and hawkers who form the most vulnerable segment and possibly the first casualty of the organized retail onslaught in Kolkata. The conflict or uneven competition between organized and unorganized retail may be toned down if the Government provides some space for these unorganized segments and arrange safeguard for this vulnerable section through a regulatory body so that their co–existence becomes possible.

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Sumana Roy Emergence of Shopping Malls and its Impact on The Hawkers’ Market Economy: A Case Study of Kolkata City Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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