Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Emergence of Family Entertainment Options in North Gujarat Area: Case Study of Tapovan Nature Park

Dr. Harishchandra Singh Rathod

Abstract :

Indian rural consumers are often underestimated. The level of customers’ expectations for excitement and quality of experience is increasing at a much greater rate than their willingness to accept the ever increasing entry fee in rural places of leisure and fun. Due to this reason, the operation of a theme park becomes quite challenging. A theme park management demands more services, at a faster pace and with higher quality, and more personalised attention.

The case study of Tapovan Nature Park is a dialogue between the owner of the park and the chief coordinator who discusses about the concepts of quality management, employment of rural populace and emerging avenues for the Park. Here, the author has tried to focus on the relationship between the human resource management environment and establishment of performance standards for delivering better services to the customers in the park. Though the case is set up in a hypothetical background and situation, it is designed keeping in view the students and researchers of Agri-Business Management, Rural Marketing, Human Resource Management, Services Management, Tourism Management etc so that they could understand a situation which is uncommon yet could occur where we might have to deal such situations.

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Dr. Harishchandra Singh Rathod Emergence of Family Entertainment Options in North Gujarat Area: Case Study of Tapovan Nature Park Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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