Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Electronic Commerce–the Emerging Trend of India

M. Vidya, Dr. K. Dhevan

Abstract :

Change is inevitable and necessary for success and achievements in business as well as life. E–commerce had made fabulous initiation in the modern days supporting the buyers and sellers. The growth of the E–commerce has spread over nations and countries are apparent through worldwide trading in the net. Netizens gradually owse or search for information and finally end up in viewing the commercial websites. E–commerce makes an individual to equip and adopt himself to make an easier purchase in a few minutes by a click of the mouse. The world has become closer and narrower inging the necessaries and luxuries bound up in a single package of the World Wide Web. This development acts as a profitable venture to the companies and customers.

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M.Vidya, Dr.K.Dhevan Electronic Commerce – the Emerging Trend of India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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