Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Elastic behavior of NiMgCuZn Ferrites in order to study the Phase Transitions

N. Varalaxmi, K. V. Sivakumar

Abstract :

This work investigates the elastic properties of NiMgCuZn ferrites. Ferrite samples were faicated by means of the conventional double sintering technique. Magenesium nickel zinc and iron oxides were used as raw materials. The samples were sintered at 12500 C, The samples were then characterized by the X–ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. All these samples showed the formation of singlephase cubic spinel structure. The studies were carried out on the effect of temperature on the longitudinal modulus NiMgCuZnFe2O4 ¬within temperature range 30oC to 360oC. A ief review of the important investigations carried out on the elastic behavior of different materials is listed out along a ief review of the different experimental techniques, employed to study the elastic behavior of solid materials is presented in this section with necessary theory. In the present investigation, the two composite piezoelectric resonator methods have been used. Results and discussions on the measurement of thermo elastic behavior of the present NiMgCuZnFe2O4 samples are discussed in all the series studied. Studies on these NiMgCuZn ferrites are under examination were developed for their possible application as core materials for microinductor applications.

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N.VARALAXMI, K.V.SIVAKUMAR Elastic behavior of NiMgCuZn Ferrites in order to study the Phase Transitions Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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