Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Efficient Method for Synthesis of 5–((benzylidene amino)methyl)–4–(substituted phenyl),6–methyl, 3,4–dihydropyrimidin–2(1H)–ones

Rohinee R. Dharamkar, Dr. Y. K. Meshram

Abstract :

 A Simple and Economic Synthesis  of 5–((benzylidene amino)methyl)–4–(substituted  phenyl)–6–methyl, 3,4–dihydropyrimidin–2(1H)–ones by using  5–(aminomethyl)–4–(substituted phenyl)– 6–methyl– 3,4–dihydropyrimidin–2(1H)–ones and  benzaldehyde in presence of ethanol. When banzaldehyde is react with primary amine i.e. 5–(aminomethyl)–4–(substituted phenyl)– 6–methyl– 3,4–dihydropyrimidin–2(1H)–ones  in presence of alcoholic medium it gives formation of corresponding Schiff  bases.  

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Rohinee R. Dharamkar, Dr. Y.K. Meshram, Efficient Method for Synthesis of 5–((benzylidene amino)methyl)–4–(substituted phenyl),6–methyl, 3,4–dihydropyrimidin–2(1H)–onesv, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾7 | July‾2017

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