Volume : X, Issue : II, February - 2020

Efficacy of SMART(Single Maintenance & Reliever Therapy) in management of Asthma

Dr. Himanshu Shashikant Pophale, Dr. Anandkumar Luniya, Dr. Tejas Deshpande, Dr. Gauri Paresh Godbole, Dr. Pankaj Magar, Dr. Suhas Kulkarni

Abstract :

Introduction: SMART regimen has shown to be effective in controlling serious asthma exacerbations. Hospitalisations not only indicate poor control bust are also financial burden for the patient. Hence the need for this study that assesses the exacerbations and also need for hospitalizations in asthmatic patients on SMART regimen especially in the Indian setting. Aim: To assess the efficacy of SMART in management of asthma: Exacerbations & Hospitalizations Methodology: Case control study with 172 patients divided into study group and control group with study group receiving SMART regimen and control group receiving only maintenance. Follow up maintained for 5 years. Number of exacerbations and hospitalizations recorded and tabulated. Test for significance applied and conclusions drawn. Results: Study group had similar number of exacerbating patients and similar number of exacerbations. The number of hospitalizations was far less in study group. Conclusion: SMART therapy results in statistically lesser hospitalizations

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EFFICACY OF SMART(SINGLE MAINTENANCE & RELIEVER THERAPY) IN MANAGEMENT OF ASTHMA, Dr. Himanshu Shashikant Pophale, Dr. Anandkumar Luniya, Dr. Tejas Deshpande, Dr. Gauri Paresh Godbole, Dr. Pankaj Magar, Dr. Suhas Kulkarni INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-2 | February-2020

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