Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

Effects of The Sibutramine Therapy on Selected Biochemical Parameters in Obese Patients

Ing. Hana Stritecka, Ass. Prof. Pavol Hl Bik, Ing. Jan Hl Bik

Abstract :

Recently obesity has become a worldwide problém. It has become the most frequent metabolic disease as a result of life conditions and lifestyle changes which have resulted in a positive energetic balance The endpoint of the trial was a targeted reduction of excessive body weight in 99 individuals with BMI over 30 or 27 kg/m2 respectively. Three-month weight reduction therapy was based on the restriction of energy intake and pharmacotherapy by Sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate (Sibutramine) 10 mg/person/day. Following the three-month therapy, weight loss, decrease of body fat, lower waist circumference, improved lipid profile and decreased of systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure were demonstrated. There was a statistically insignificant increase of heart rate during the study. Sibutramine therapy of obesity had no adverse effects that would result in the termination of therapy

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Ing. Hana Stritecka, Ass. Prof. Pavol Hlúbik, Ing. Jan Hlúbik Effects of The Sibutramine Therapy on Selected Biochemical Parameters in Obese Patients Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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