Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Effects of Chronic exposure to Electromagnetic Waves at 930MHz Frequency on Some Hematological Parameters and cytology of The Bone Marrow of Wistar Rats

L. Tazrout, K. Talea, S. El Amrani, I. M Touguy, B. Boubeker, M. Talea, A. Belhouari, R. Saile, H. Mestaghanmi

Abstract :

 Several studies have shown that the electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile phones are suspected to

be harmful to health. The effect of chronic exposure of 3 months to electromagnetic waves with a frequency
of 930 MHz generated by a wave generator connected to a communication system on hematocrit and blood
and bone marrow smears was studied in male and female rats of Wistar strain. 60 rats were divided into 6 groups according to gender (males and females) and the duration of exposure (controls, exposed 1h and 2h).The hematocrit was determined in control and exposed to electromagnetic waves rats and the qualitative study is the recognition of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood and bone marrow smears of different groups of animals. The variations in size, shape, color, structure and distribution of these cells have been observed. For quantitative analysis, the blood count was performed using a Malassez cell and the different types of blood cells were observed under a microscope after staining with May–GrünwaldGiemsa. Thestatistical analysiswas performedbyANOVAtestandtheresults were consideredstatistically significantwhen the probabilitypis less than0.05. We observed that the hematocrit and the mean number of erythrocytes increased non–significantly, while the leukocytes decreased non–significantly in rats exposed to electromagnetic waves compared to controls in both sexes and that females are more affected than males. The cytological study of bone marrow and blood smears showed no morphological changes of erythrocytes and leukocytes (monocytes, lymphocytes,
neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils) in both sexes. It would seem, according to our resultsthat the exposureof
Wistar ratsto electromagnetic wavesat a frequency of930MHzfor 3months didnotaffecthematological parameterss
tudied,orcytologyofthe bone marrow.

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