Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2013

Effects of Aerobic and Anaerobic Training Followed by Cessation on Selected Speed Related Variables of Anna University Men Players

P. Sridar, Dr. N. Vijayaregunathan, Dr. I. John Parthiban

Abstract :

The purpose of the study was to find out the effects of aerobic and anaerobic training followed by cessation on selected speed related variables of Anna University men players. The study was conducted on forty five (N=45) under graduate students, studying various affiliated Engineering Colleges from Anna University Chennai, during 2011–2012 were selected as subjects. The age of the subjects were ranged from 18 to 21 years. The subjects were assigned at random into three groups of fifteen each (n=15). Group–I underwent Aerobic training, Group–II underwent Anaerobic training and Group–III underwent Combined aerobic and anaerobic training (n=15). All the experimental groups undergo their respective training for 12 weeks and the number of sessions per week was confined to three. Among various speed related parameters speed endurance was selected as dependent variable and it was assessed by was assessed by 150mts Run. All the subjects were tested prior to and after the training and during detraining period the data were collected at the end of first, second, third and sixth week for all the selected variables. The data collected from the three groups prior to and post experimentation and detraining on Speed Endurance were statistically analyzed by using two way (3x6) factorial ANOVA with last factor repeated measures. Whenever the obtained F–ratio for interaction effect was found to be significant, the simple effect test was used as a follow up test. In all the cases .05 level of significance was fixed. The results of the study showed that there was a significant difference was found among the experimental groups. During detraining period the experimental group had significant reduce in performance of the selected dependent variable.

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P. Sridar,Dr. N. Vijayaregunathan,Dr. I. John Parthiban Effects of Aerobic and Anaerobic Training Followed by Cessation on Selected Speed Related Variables of Anna University Men Players Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2013

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