Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017

Effectiveness of structured teaching session on knowledge regarding swine flu among nursing students in Tirunelveli district of Tamilnadu

Dr Krishnaleela G, Dr Praveena Daya A

Abstract :

 Background: Swine flu an acute respiratory disease caused by Influenza A (H1N1) virus continues to be a serious threat in India. The knowledge of health care providers plays a vital role in controlling and preventing disease outeaks. Objective: The present study is designed to assess the existing knowledge and to assess the effectiveness of a structured teaching session in improving the knowledge regarding various aspects of swine flu among 190 nursing students in a selected medical college in Tirunelveli district of Tamilnadu during 2017. Results: Regarding various aspects of swine flu studied, before teaching session, 77.3%, 85.3%, 65%, 19% and 22.1% were aware of mode of transmission, common symptoms, high risk groups, about the drug recommended for prophylaxis and treatment of swine flu. After the structured teaching session, 94.7%, 92.1%, 93.7%, 95.7% and 99.5% of students had improved knowledge on the above mentioned aspects.

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Dr Krishnaleela G, Dr Praveena Daya A, Effectiveness of structured teaching session on knowledge regarding swine flu among nursing students in Tirunelveli district of Tamilnadu, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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