Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Effectiveness of Play–way Method in Teaching English Language Among IX Standard Students

Dr. A. Mary Delphine

Abstract :

 Language learning strategies is a term referring to the processes and actions that are consciously deployed by language learners to help them to learn or use a language more effectively. As Frank Candling observes, "Language is not a body of facts or information, like geography or history, but a human activity.” Any language of the world can be acquired only by practicing it. Practicing need repetition. As such the easiest way to make anyone to get into the practice of repetition, is introducing the language games inside the classroom, which is also known as “Play–way Method of Teaching.” Therefore this study focuses on Play way method in Teaching English Language Among IX Standard Students”. Tools used were the Package on play way method for teaching grammar for IX standard which was developed for the study. It was administered to 60 samples of the controlled group. The statistical treatment was done with the results got after administering achievement test. Pre test scores and post test scores were used to calculate the gain ratio . t test was carried out to find the significant difference between variables. Findings show that i) there is effectiveness in learning through the package ii) there is mastery level attainment by the samples after using the package iii) there is a significant difference among the samples in attaining mastery level in terms of Gender, Parental Education and Locality

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Dr.A. Mary Delphine Effectiveness of Play–way Method in Teaching English Language Among IX Standard Students Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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