Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Effectiveness of Multimedia Strategy on Computer Literacy Among Elementary School Teachers by Considering Covariates

Dr. T. Pradeep Kumar

Abstract :

The present study aims to find the effectiveness of multimedia strategy on computer literacy among elementary school teachers by considering covariates. Data was collected from St.Micheals Elementary school (Private Unaided School) and Bantmaramma Elementary school (government school) of Kanakapura taluk. In both the schools total 30 teachers were working and all the teachers were considered for the purpose of the data collection. Educational implications suggested Effective use of technology should increase at all levels in order to ensure a better education for the success of the learners and development of educators.

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Dr.T.Pradeep Kumar Effectiveness of Multimedia Strategy on Computer Literacy Among Elementary School Teachers by Considering Covariates Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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