Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Effectiveness of E–Learning Through Learning Management System

Nikhil Kumar

Abstract :

E–Learning is the process of transforming your time–consuming and troublesome classroom training pro –cesses into an efficient and effective web based training program through any learning management system. Employees, employers and learners equally put up with the challenge of lifelong learning. In the present day living world tedious traditional classroom training ties up time and resources, takes employees away from their day–to–day tasks, and drives up expenses. E–learning can help to cut the cost of training by providing easier access to training measures to vast number of learners. The sole motive and primary focus of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of e–learning through learning management system

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Nikhil Kumar Effectiveness of E-Learning Through Learning Management System Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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