Volume : IX, Issue : IV, April - 2019

Effectiveness of dynamic ultrasound of shoulder in compare to MRI in diagnosis of rotator cuff injury

Dr. Mayank Kumar Patel, Dr. Asutosh Dave, Dr. Jaideep Jagani, Dr. Nishant Patel, Dr. Sarita Mirchandani

Abstract :

Aims and objectives of study: • In our study we aim to analyze effectiveness of dynamic ultrasound of shoulder compare to MRI in diagnosis of rotator cuff injury. • Shoulder ultrasound is increasingly utilized in hospital now days. It is noninvasive and there is no side effect. Dynamic ultrasound allows to visualize every tendon and give real time assessment of each tendons. Shoulder ultrasound is operator dependent and long learning curve is its limitation. Methods and materials: • The study was conducted in tertiary care multispecialty hospital. The study included 50 patients with clinical diagnosis of shoulder pain due to rotator cuff injury from period of Dec 2018 to March 2019. • Human ethical committee approval was obtained from institutional ethical committee. USG and non–enhanced MRI was done in all patient by two different radiologists to minimize biases. Results: 10 patient (20%) showed normal rotator cuff tendons by both ultrasound and MRI but 3 of them (7.5 %) shows evidence of impingement with no tendon’s involvement where as two cases out of three showed OA changes of AC joint and one case shows SA bursitis. 35 patient (70 %) showed rotator cuff disease by both modalities as follow. 12 cases (24%) shows tendinitis. 17 cases (34%) shows PTT. 6 cases (12%) shows FTT. Two cases (4%) were diagnosed as PTT by MRI but were not recognized by ultrasound. Three cases (6%) were diagnosed as normal on ultrasound shows tendinitis on MRI. Conclusion: • Ultrasound and MRI can diagnose full–thickness rotator cuff tears with comparable accuracy. In diagnosis of partial thickness tear ultrasound has slightly lower accuracy compare to MRI. • Ultrasound being less expensive, less time–consuming, more dynamic, and less demanding for patients, can be used as the first–line of investigation for rotator cuff tear if appropriate skills are available

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EFFECTIVENESS OF DYNAMIC ULTRASOUND OF SHOULDER IN COMPARE TO MRI IN DIAGNOSIS OF ROTATOR CUFF INJURY, Dr. Mayank Kumar Patel, Dr. Asutosh Dave, Dr. Jaideep Jagani, Dr. Nishant Patel, Dr. Sarita Mirchandani INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-4 | April-2019

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