Volume : I, Issue : IX, June - 2012

Effectiveness of coconut palm insurance scheme in the coastal belts of India–A SWOT analysis

Prof. Dr. D. Rajasenan, Bijith George Abraham

Abstract :

The article focuses the perception of the stakeholders about the Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme in India. SWOT framework has been employed to work out the efficacy of the scheme implemented by the Coconut development Board with the aid of Agriculture Insurance Company of India in the second half of the eleventh five year plan as a pilot scheme. 528 samples were taken for understanding the stakeholders view about coconut palm insurance scheme implemented in five states– Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Goa and Maharashtra which are grouped into three regions. Regional divisions as envisaged in the sample help to understand the regional effectiveness inter alia the country–wise effectiveness of the scheme.  

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Prof. (Dr.) D. Rajasenan, Bijith George Abraham Effectiveness of coconut palm insurance scheme in the coastal belts of India-A SWOT analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.IX June 2012

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